Sunday, January 9, 2011

Coming out from under our rock!

The boys are really settling in to more predictable routines and I finally feel like we're coming up for air!  Mitchell and Callum hit 7 and 8 pounds, respectively, this week and now eat every 3 or so hours instead of every 2!  I feel like a new woman.

So far this weekend, we went to Peter Piper Pizza (we're calling it the "cheap Chucky Cheese"), organized all the junk I had let pile up in the nursery, purged the playroom and found some new recipes to eat healthier.  Have to fit back into my ODU pants in only three short weeks!  There's something to be said about getting up off your butt and just doing stuff.  I feel great and I think the whole family does.  We really get into a rut of saying "I'm too tired" or "Maybe later" and forget how good it feels to accomplish something.  On that note I'd better return to the mountain of laundry I vowed to tackle today.  You would never believe how much laundry a family of 6 can produce!

Here's the girls enjoying some nutella and banana sandwiches today.  The lady in the Nutella commercial says they're healthy and I'm going with it!


  1. The always look so happy! You and Randy are doing a great job!

  2. Hmmm, I think I'll have to try Nutella. It almost looks too good to be healthy ;) The girls are beautiful, Lauren xoxo.
