Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ideas on how to become independently wealthy...

1.)  Have some sort of celebrity type scandal and write a book about it.
2.)  Have at least ten more children and a reality show.
3.)  Invent something.  I don't know what, but something...

Obviously independently wealthy isn't happening for me anytime soon, which makes me pretty darn disappointed.  I was talking to my dad tonight about how I'm sad that this is the number of children that we can reasonably afford.  The boys will be six weeks old tomorrow (can you believe it?!) and I head back to work in only two more weeks.  This realization has gotten me pretty down today.  These are the last few days I'll ever stay home with a newborn baby.  I don't think I wish that I could be a stay at home mom, though.  I find my job very fulfilling and genuinely enjoy what I do.  I'm what the military folks might call a "dig it".  I guess it's pretty hard to put all of my feelings about this going back to work situation together, but I know I need to focus on enjoying this last two weeks.

On a much happier note, this has been a really great week!  Sophie was learning about rocks in school and she really enjoyed telling us about the petrified turtle poo her teacher brought in.  Last week was recycling and we got chastised all week about our light bulbs, so rocks made for better conversation.  Josie started talking in sentences and I really think she has an awesome sense of humor.  She spends most of her time yelling at the dogs, but every once in a while she fake sneezes and then tells herself "Bess youuu!".  Mitchell is fattening up so well I think he's got a second chin and poor Cal has lost all the hair on top of his head! 

Randy and I spent the week trying out some new recipes to add to our dinner rotation.  The worst idea, by far, was linguine with collard green pesto.  It's now official that I don't like collards, at all.  I think the best of the week was either a fresh cod recipe we found or the tasty ground turkey meatballs that went with the gnarly collard pesto.  A few more weeks of watching food network all day and I might actually become a better cook!

Here's Cal taking a nap under his new blankie that my best high school friend Randi made!
Josie playing Mr. Potato Head for the first time:
Mitchell hanging with Daddy:

1 comment:

  1. Taking your thought in a different direction, please keep in mind the following:

    1. At the age of 44 your children will all be 18 or older and off to college requiring much less wash to be done, fewer shoes to pick up and less plates to wash.

    2. At the age of 47 when all of your children are 21 years or older you can let them know how much fun you and Randy had on your trip across Europe.

    3. At the age of 52 you may possibly have the best reward yet...gandbabies to cuddle and love like you once did when you were 25.

