Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Wait a minute. I'm raising adults?

I cried like a little baby last year on Josie's first birthday and Randy had a talk with me about the fact that we have babies to raise adults, not to play with babies.  Pretty hard pill for me to swallow because man do I love babies. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy everyday that I watch Sophia and Josie grow and learn new things, but it's never really hit me like it did today.

In that first picture my first baby is reading a book to herself.  With chapters.  As I took that picture of her I was nursing Mitchell and Callum, who don't even make eye contact with me yet.  Then it hit me that in six relatively short years Sophie had gone from picture two to picture one.  Amazing. 

We're done adding babies to our family and I'm a little sad about that, but it's fun to think now about how many cool things I'll get to watch my kids learn.

And for a little gratuitous humor:  Josie has decided that dog hair is gross.  That's too bad for her, considering it's impossible to keep dog hair off our floors.  Today while she was holding Dottie, our little dog, she was pulling hairs out of her coat one by one and saying "eeeww" and "groooosss".  Poor dog's going to be bald soon I'm sure.


  1. I just told Paul that Chloe is 75 lbs now. She was 7 lbs when she was born. She is 10. Her feet are almost as big as mine, she wears some of my shirts and she makes jokes that are actually funny (no more knock knock jokes). Liam just ran a 5k with me, and was faster than many adults out there. He was just a 7.5 lb little bundle too. When? How? Keeping my eyes on Andy and Joel very closely~

    Love your pics and blog :-) Not sure how you have time ...

  2. LOVE your blog!!! Congrats on a beautiful family, I can't wait to read your stories!! My blog is crutchlow.blogspot.com. Come to visit!! :)
